Friday, January 8, 2010

target women

so...i'm pretty much in love with Sarah Haskins. she's a great comedienne who does a segment for InfoMania on Current TV called "Target Women" wherein she satirizes the gender stereotypes found in mass media. they're hilarious...and dead on. here are a few to get you hooked:

when asked if she was a feminist, Sarah replied, "Yes, I’m a feminist. It is an extension of my lifelong war against pantyhose. To me it means that as women we are individuals before we are gendered people and that we’re not defined by our gender except in the ways we chose to appropriate that definition. We’re in a weird generation, right? Our moms were forced to grapple with that definition more immediately, and I think it’s changed as we’ve grown up. The core issue 'how do I fight bias against me because of my gender' is still there but has gotten more complicated and wrapped into all kinds of identity issues about how you present yourself as a woman and I pretty much think it's your choice. And fuck pantyhose."

you've grown into a very beautiful young woman

a lot of you have seen Ghost World the movie, but have you ever taken the time to read the graphic novel? you should...especially since you can read it online for free here. it's worth it; i promise.

you shoulda put a ring on it

Pomplamoose - Single Ladies (Beyonce cover)

dude, this version is so, so, SO much better than the original. now if only i heard THIS one 50 times a night at the bar...

and i had an awful feeling

Skeeter Davis - Where I Ought To Be

gorgeous. - Dad?

now, i know this is old, but i didn't have a blog when i found out about this little gem of a website, so i'm telling you about it now. babies are men. men are babies. so simple, yet so entertaining. (you're welcome.)

um, hello.

this is me. and this is my blog. welcome. i will henceforth post websites, music, anecdotes, and other miscellany that i find amusing. i pity the fool who reads this crap...but hey, it's your funeral.